The Dreosti Memorial lecture gives honour and recognition to the outstanding academic and research achievements of the founder of SAIRAC and his exemplary service to the Institute. From time to time, SAIRAC invites a world-renowned expert in the field of air conditioning and refrigeration to present the Dreosti Memorial Lecture in each of the regional Centres. The objective with these lectures is to provide information that is not only topical and interesting, but useful and constructive to individuals working in our Industry.
1998: “Global Warming – Considerations for the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry” Presenter: Robert Heap President of the Institute of Refrigeration (UK) & President Cambridge refrigeration Technology
2001: “Ammonia, The Natural Refrigerant for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Beyond the 21st Century” Presenter: Prof Wilbert (Will) Stoecker, Prof Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois
2004: “Carbon Dioxide as a Natural Refrigerant for the Future” Presenter: Andy Pearson, Chartered Engineer with Honours in B.Sc & B.Engineering, Board Member of International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration, CEO Star Refrigeration Ltd. Glasgow
2009: “Cutting Energy Bills with Natural Refrigerants is Not that Costly” Presenter: Monika Witt, Chairperson of Eurammon and Managing Director of TH. Witt
2013: “Can Intelligent Buildings Provide Alternative Approaches to Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning of Buildings” Presenter: Prof. Derek Clements-Croome, Prof Emeritus in Architectural Engineering at Reading University, Chairs the CIBSE Natural Ventilation and Intelligent Buildings Group,Editor of the Intelligent Buildings International Journal
2019: “Issues Around Cooling Sustems with R290 as an alternative Refrigerant with a very low gloal warming potential” Presenter: Dr Volkmar Hasse, PhD in Applied Biology from University of Giessen, Retired in 2018. Last post was GIZ senior programme director of the Chinese-German Low Carbon Urban Development Programme, based in China.
2024: “Journey to a Better Place – a Refrigeration Perspective” Presenter: Dr. Andy Pearson from UK. Dr Andy Pearson graduated from the University of Strathclyde with a degree in Manufacturing Science and Engineering and competed his PhD with his thesis on the “use of Carbon Dioxide as a refrigerant” in 2006